We had the most lovely time with the staff from TOUCH Child Care making Salt Art Jars for their Teacher's Day celebration in September. 31 participants over ZOOM and even in an online space, we could collaborate, bond and share about our artwork. It's really interesting to observe firsthand how values differ among organisations because of the type of work and clients they serve. I could really sense the great care and concern these teachers have for their preschoolers as they shared about their team values.
Just 2 years ago, we held our first physical workshop in November, and to see how we are now mostly conducting online workshops, is mind-blowing! Here is some feedback from the teachers about the workshop. I'm most encouraged when participants tell me they want to create the artwork again in their own personal time, with their family or with their students. This is what we hope the process art workshops can achieve - to make creativity a part of our lifestyle and community!

CONTACT Rebecca at cartwheelssg@gmail.comif you're interested in having team bonding programmes at your school, organisation or company.